martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

Learning Who

I will give you a short list that will be very usefull for making short sentences:

Yo: I                                

Él: He

Ella: She 
Ellos: They

Nosotros: Us 

When you are done with studying try taking this test

Resultado de imagen para kawaii gif

Now we will learn how to make simples senteces:

Ella Es ~ she is  

El Es ~ he is    

Ellos Son ~ they are   
Nosotros Somos ~ we are

Yo soy I am

So basically for "she and he" you use Es, for "them" you use son, for "we" you use somos and finally for "i" you use soy. 

This is very important so try to memorice it.


Dont forget to practice!

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